Sunday, December 18, 2016

Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Best Wishes from Simon, Nicky, Athena and Aris


A Year In Pictures 2016

Easter Holidays Simon, Athena and Aris went to Naples for a week.

Athena and Aris serving food from a taverna in Pompei.

We hired a car and drove about 1.5hrs south to Paestum. Athena and Aris at the Temple of Athena.

The entrance to the theatre, a later Roman addition to the Greek city of Paestum.

Coppelia: A night at the ballet, Theatro San Carlo

Aris looking into the Vesuvian crater.

Aris, Athena, Aris, Athena and Aris at Solfatara thermal crater near Naples.

Athena and Aris at Baia, a Roman Spa town on the coast a short ride from Naples city centre.

Star Wars Celebration (July). Remember, always let the Wookie win.

The Force is strong in these ones.

Darth Aris.

Sicily Summer holidays: sailing the Aeolian Islands with Paul and Laurel. Aris and Paul having breakfast at Vulcano.

Hughesemo's at Lipari Marina, Lipari.

Hikers (Simon, Nicky and Paul) at the summit of the Stromboli volcano.

Approaching Punta Milazzo, neolithic settlement on SE corner of Paneria.

Apres-sail, Paneria harbour.

Second mate takes the wheel, sailing near Paneria.

Captain Ahab near Paneria.

Captain Henry, Athena, Laurel, Paul, Aris, Nicky.

Approaching Stromboli.

Nicky and Paul snack at the top of Stromboli.

Nicky and Ruth on the way to Great Gable, Lake District (Aug)

Moses Trod, sort of.

More Trod.

Lunch view to Wast Water

Troopers at Westmoreland Cairn.